Modern slavery statement
This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will be applied from the issue date.
Whilst O’Mahony Contractors (OMC) is a SME and does not fall within the scope of the Act (Turnover is less than £34 million) the company believes that it has a duty to set out its policy on the matter.
It sets out the steps that OMC has taken or will be taking to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. OMC condemns any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings.
Should instances of Modern Slavery be reported or suspected, OMC will inform the relevant authority and will cooperate with them in any investigation.
The Managing Director has the responsibility for preventing modern slavery within the business.
Our business
OMC operates solely within the UK providing services to industry, primarily in civil engineering and building works. The company has a limited number of major suppliers all of whom are based in the UK
Our high risk areas
OMC have not identified any high risk areas.
Modern Slavery Policy
OMC are committed to:
Ensuring legal compliance within all aspects of the business
Raising awareness of the issues involved with modern slavery and the signs which may indicate the presence of suspect practices
Addressing & prohibiting practices which may contribute to modern slavery
Implementing a process for reporting suspect practices/whistleblowing
Apply this policy to the business and its suppliers
Implement due diligence processes within the business and with suppliers (See below)
Identify any high-risk suppliers
We operate a number of internal policies and procedures to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. These include:
Anti- Bribery and Corruption Policy
Equal Opportunity Policy
Recruitment procedures. We operate robust recruitment procedures, including conducting eligibility to work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.
Our suppliers
OMC has procedures for purchasing and maintains an approved supplier list. It is intended that future approval criteria will include some due diligence relating to Modern Slavery. Should suspect practices be identified within the supply chain it will be reported to the relevant authority and purchases suspended until the outcome is established.
In addition to the above, as part of our contracts with major suppliers, we will check that they have issued their own statements in accordance with the legislation.
At this time no high-risk materials or labour sourcing have been identified.
At this stage we do not have a relevant training program.
OMC will endeavour to raise awareness of modern slavery issues within the company and if applicable with suppliers and will communicate the policy internally and externally. The signs of modern slavery will be identified within the awareness process.
This statement of Policy will be distributed to all employees and will be posted on our website for access by suppliers.
Our performance
At this stage we will assume that the effectiveness of the steps that we are taking to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain if no reports are received from employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified.
OMC will endeavour to expand and improve its processes to ensure that instances of modern slavery or human trafficking do not feature within the company or its supply chain. As part of this we will encourage all employees to report any suspicion that modern slavery is taking place in the workplace or at any other location where they may have interaction.
Approval for this statement
This statement was approved by the Managing Director
Name Gary O’Mahoney
G. O’Mahoney - Managing Director
28/02/2024 - Revision 3